Course update - Monday 16th December
Good morning default,
The countdown to Christmas is on, and so is the countdown to securing your spot on our Confined Space Course! With the holiday season fast approaching, why not make a quick dash to get ahead of the game and book your place at 2024 prices.
Spaces are limited, and we wouldn’t want you to be left in a (tight) spot. So why wait? Secure your place today and tick one more thing off your to-do list before the festivities begin!
C&G 6160-09 - Working in Medium Risk, Entrant & Entry Controller Confined Spaces
February 26th - 27th Stoneleigh Book here
If these dates don't suit and you have a group of delegates to sit any of the courses above, please get in touch to speak to us about a dedicated training date on 01926 674 340 or email
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